Saturday, February 5, 2011

EDM613 MAC - Week 1: Literature Review

This is the class I did my
action research project with.

Month 11 and my literature review has been submitted for a final time - I hope! Writing the literature review was a good experience, even though I can't say I overly enjoyed it. Most of the literature I found was very supportive of what I was doing my action research project on, using music to increase knowledge retention (in math). However, there were aspects of the review that were very frustrating, namely wording the search in a way that yielded pertinent results. That was not as easy as I expected, considering my topic. Finding literature that disputed my research was even more difficult! EBSCOhost proved a great resource. Fine-tuning my review was also difficult. It's amazing how much passive language can slip past you, even when you are searching for it with a magnifying glass. Now, I see myself viewing every piece of written work as whether it is passive or active. Guess I finally got it!

1 comment:

  1. Catherine, I know how much you have worked on that lit review. Can you believe we are at month 11? In the beginning, we had Dr Wylie for our first paper, it was so hard and the mistakes were alarming... but now you are an old pro and can whip this out with perfection. I have always admired your tenacity and patience in scholarly writing- keep it up !!!


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